You have to be aware of the restriction when towing as it is on the limit of the car. I fit a wind deflector when towing this helps when towing into head winds. The advantage is when you arrive on site it is a nice car for touring around. We have towed from the south of England to Fryslan but it will take a couple of days.
This car has no problems towing.We did however find a slight problem fitting a tow bar.The fuel consumption when towing is good,compared to normal use.I think the "short"wheel base and length of the car avails itself well for towing.
My version of the Puck is not listed but the selection is very close to it. Towing is no problem, the caravan is so light it can't be felt most of the time. Acceleration is reduced but maximum legal speeds are easily maintained on level Motorways and A roads without the need to keep changing gear. Long hills do require a downchange.Fuel consumption is reduced from 39mpg to 36mpg when towing.
Haven't tried it in very hilly/mountainous country yet.
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